In the eternal gloom of ancient tombs can be heard the scrape of bone on bone, wordless moans, and the clank of rusted armour. Upon fen and moor, creatures of darkness that have haunted the nightmares of Men for millennia break free from ancient cairns and age worn mausoleums, thundering the ground beneath them and eclipsing the moon as they spread their tattered wings and take to the skies.
In the forsaken lands of Sylvania, the Undead battalions of the Vampire Counts gather. Black Ruprecht, grizzled veteran of the Vampire Wars You're just postponing the inevitable, lad." Cover yourself in glory, or in guts, it makes no difference to me. Beat them back, chop them down, hold the line, carry the day. This currency is used to unlock powerful Bloodline Lords and faction wide buffs in the form of Forbidden Dark Arts.
Bloodlines and the Blood Kiss: Vampire Counts are able to collect a special currency when defeating and subjugating other factions. Dark Magic: Vampire Counts use dark magic instead of gold, though it functions the same. However, they take attrition in areas with low vampiric corruption. Vampiric Corruption: In campaign, vampires spread their influence, harming other factions. Large battle sites provide more and better units to raise. Raise Dead: In campaign, units can be instantly recruited anywhere by raising the dead. Rather, they will crumble into dust if losing badly. Binding and Crumbling: In battle, units never rout. Regiments of Renown: These are unique, more-powerful versions of regular Vampire Counts units. Units: Large, varied roster featuring hordes of expendable undead infantry backed up by ethereal units and bat-like monsters.